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Protect the heart of your operations with John Crane Sense®. When you don’t have the right data, you rely on estimates and approximations to make critical business decisions. When you do have the right data, you can move forward with facts and confidence.

That’s why we developed the John Crane Sense® – an industry-first technology that allows you to see what’s going on in the heart of your critical operations and make more informed decisions about maintenance and repair to reduce downtime and extend the useful life of your assets.

Smart seals are a key component in meeting emission reduction targets – monitoring leaks that, unless identified and fixed proactively, will cost your operation and contaminate soil, water and air.

The future is only going one way – greater digitization of equipment, processes and plants. The John Crane Sense® platform can help you on your digital transformation journey, giving you the intelligence you need to hit tomorrow’s targets, enhance your brand reputation and protect the environment.


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