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Our intelligent, practised retrofitting solutions are at your side along with our entire know-how and all our capabilities, whether inspection and preventive maintenance for your pumps or repairing, overhauling and producing spare parts when the realignment of your pumps is damaged.

– Pumps, fans, turbines and compressors assembled
– Scheduled maintenance
– Troubleshooting
– Centrifugal pumps of all types repaired
– Repair of components and assemblies with the latest CNC technology and specially developed repair designs, express service included
– Engineering of components and assemblies
– Retrofits for adapting pumps to changed operating conditions
– Partial repairs
– ATEX & API pumps maintained
– TA support
– Delivery and manufacture of spare parts, including express service
– Certified energy consulting for pumps
– Training: Design of centrifugal pumps, functions, detecting causes of failure and cases of damage (basic/advanced course)


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