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IAS Mexis GmbH


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DIVA™ DYNAMICS – higher production efficiency by intelligent CMMS-Systems

DIVA™ DYNAMICS is a modular system. Developed by practitioners
for practitioners, the system is easy to operate and capable of learning.
Automated Knowledge Work-Technologies ensure that the know-how of the “good old hands” is preserved. Intelligent data mining and analytics generate proprietary Smart Data out of your Big Data. We can
help guide your company into the smart maintenance era.

DIVA™ DYNAMICS already comes with a wide range of unique standard features that every good CMMS-System should have. The multilingual basis version is expandable according to your needs and desires.

With our DIVA™ DYNAMICS Cloud Solution, we offer smaller companies the opportunity to benefit from intelligent and future-oriented maintenance.

DIVA™ GO and DIVA™ NOTE enables our customers to display all maintenance processes on their mobile device without having to print anything out.

We are looking forward to your visit!


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