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Detect damaging events in a mechanical seal at an early stage
BestSens AG

Detect damaging events in a mechanical seal at an early stage

Mechanical seals, crucial in industrial applications like food and chemical processing, face efficiency risks from factors like evaporation and particles. Detecting these issues during operation is essential to prevent costly failures and repairs.



Seals, especially mechanical seals in pumps, play a critical role in a wide range of industrial applications, from food processing to chemical processes. Damaging events such as evaporation and particles in the seal gap can not only affect the efficiency of these applications, but also lead to costly failures and repairs. But how can these damaging events be detected in the running process?

Application engineer Philipp Arneth shows how these damaging events can be identified using tests on the BestSens AG test stand. A centrifugal pump with a silicon carbide mechanical seal and water as pumping medium was used for the test setup. By integrating the multisensor into the mechanical seal and using the BestSens measuring system, online condition monitoring is possible at any time.

Check out the link for the whole article.


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