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Informieren Sie Ihre Kunden über Ihre Messeteilnahme an der PUMPS & VALVES Dortmund.

Nutzen Sie das PUMPS & VALVES-Logo oder das Online-Banner in Ihren E-Mails, auf Ihrer Website
oder verknüpfen Sie Ihre Homepage direkt mit

Banner Generator

Create your personalised online banner free of charge

Place your personalised banner with hall and stand number on your own website or in your e-mail signature to draw attention to your trade show participation.

Should you require any other formats, please do not hesitate to contact us!

How to create your personal banner:

  1. Select a suitable banner for your area of application. Click on it to go to the next step.
  2. Enter your stand and hall number.
  3. Click on “Generate banner” to save the entries.
  4. Check that all details are visible on the banner before downloading it.
  5. Finally, click on “Download” to receive your personal banner in PNG format.

Trade show banners


Medium Rectangle

300 x 250 Pixel

All trade show banners



120 x 600 Pixel


Wide Skyscraper

160 x 600 Pixel



728 x 90 Pixel


Full Banner

468 x 60 Pixel

All files are explicitly intended for your visitor promotion and may be published without the consent of Easyfairs GmbH in connection with your participation at SOLIDS Dortmund.
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By registering, you hereby agree that Easyfairs Deutschland GmbH and its affiliated companies can process your data for advertising purposes and therefore contact you, for example, by email, post or telephone. You can revoke your declaration of consent at any time with immediate effect. For further information please refer to our data privacy policy.